Auth0The Highs & Lows of Crystal — an Introduction to Crystal LangCrystal is a statically-typed, compiled, systems programming language with the aims of being as fast as c/c++, while having a syntax as…Aug 23, 2017Aug 23, 2017
FoodZen PandaWhy Crystal is worth learning: The benefits of a compiled, statically-typed languageCrystal is a fast, statically-typed language with a syntax inspired by Ruby and support for concurrent programming. It is well-suited for…Jan 8, 20231Jan 8, 20231
Carl Fredrik SamsonHow to link and use your own C library in CrystalIt is very easy to use C libraries in Crystal, and the documentation gives you some information on how to do just that. But what if you…Aug 1, 20183Aug 1, 20183